Monday, July 28, 2008


I have a lot that I want to say but I want to start by saying that I do not mean "ghost" as in boo, dead person. My definition, in this case, is very different.

Ghosts to me are those people who you have not seen in a while, or maybe never expected to see again. Its that best friend from kindergarten that you run into at the supermarket, someone like that. Ghosts never stay long, and you're never really sure if you want them to. It's like you've adjusted to life without them, so you don't want to readjusted.
The first time I really experienced these ghosts was in high school. Alumni tend to come back during breaks to see old teachers and their friends still in high school. You're sitting there in class and you look at the door and see a person walk by and think "was that (enter name)? nah couldn't have been." But in fact it was, that is a ghost.
Those aren't the only instances of ghosts. The other day I was working front register at my job and a guy came in that used to date my best friend from middle school. He didn't remember me but it instantly brought back memories of my friend. Turns out he was there to pick up a co-worker. What a small world.
Another person I work with is friends with someone that I've been friends with since I was 5. I never knew my co-worker until I started working there.
The whole point is that ghosts remind people of the good times they had. So I encourage everybody, go and be a ghost to somebody. Visit that old friend, a long lost family member, anybody. Be a ghost. Then encourage those people to be a ghost to others.

P.S. It doesn't really work as well as if you dislike the person, or if they dislike you.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Oh I'm soo popular and I hate it.

So theres this kid (totally jailbait) who works with me and he always compliments me about my work. I just thought he was being nice until one day his girlfriend heard him complimenting me and told him to stop flirting. I honestly didn't even think he was flirting until she said that. Even though she told him to stop, he still continues to flirt. I am not flirting back and I don't want him (cause he's jailbait). I think he is going to lose his girlfriend if he doesn't stop.

Then there's this other guy who to everyone else seems to like but I find him incredibly annoying. I understand that he is trying to get to know me but we are literally playing twenty questions every night. Also even though I've been working there for 3 months he still insists on telling me my job. No one else seems annoyed by him but me. At least he is a good worker.

Well, I think thats enough ranting for now thanks for listening.