Thursday, October 2, 2008

Am I the only one who works hard?

I don't mean to sound conceited and I certainly don't mean to imply that I am the only employee that works at my job. That being said I am a closer and the faster we get done, the faster we leave. I find myself night after night, doing the jobs that others should have plenty of time to do. For example this girl who closes front register should have the dining room done by 11 PM during the week and 12 PM on the weekends. Most of the time it's at least a half-hour past those times if not more. Which means that we (the other employees) either wait for her to get done, or help her get done by doing basically everything but the dining room while she's still doing the dining room. It really pisses me off because she thinks she's the ****. She believes that she hasn't been trained on any other station because she is so good at the register (believe me... she's not). Lately the managers have been on a kick of putting me on back register (drive through). I despise back register. I am not fast at it and I can't multi-task. Even one of my favorite managers has told me I need to get faster back there. I hope that eventually they will realize that they need to put me somewhere else. I even like sandwiches better than back register.

Now for more inticing topics.

I tried to get half of this to another blog post but couldn't do it without retyping it. Didn't initially intend on doing such a thorough review of the debate.

Right now I'm watching the Vice-Presidential debate and I feel incredibly bad for Govenor Palin. She is really being out answered. She takes jabs here and there but he is continuously tearing apart her answers. Oooh she made quite a punch with the statement that he would be happy to run with McCain. I disagree with Biden that Pakistan being the bigger threat. I am certain the biggest threat is Iran. Biden is losing me with the involvement in Pakistan (military...hmm). My biggest concern is an alliance of ... wait did Palin just say nucular instead of nuclear... SHE DID! I love that... anyway an alliance of China, North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, and the various terrorist organizations.

9:53 PM Missed the last 5 min... had to use the restroom.

Don't know the question... can't comment on the answer... Israel?... yeah...Honestly I don't know enough about Israel to comment... reform is coming (Palin)... when next year, decade?

Sorry getting too crazy with the dot dot dots.

Go Biden with the comparison between Bush's policy and McCain's policy. She keeps saying nucular, ROFLMAO. Why can't they stick to the questions asked. Those questions were chosen for a reason. Loved the gay marriage question, I learned something new about Obama (doesn't change my vote).

Thank God Biden said Nuclear.

Now that Palin is finally looking at Biden when she answers he's stopped lookng at her (interesting). Ooh Darfur, wait, he's a warhawk, aww man. Yes I believe in getting involved in Darfur but going for the sake of winning is wrong. Can they really do a no fly zone? haha... she's a Washington outsider... go figure. So people aren't allowed to change their minds?What's the difference between Genocide and Halocaust? Ooh she's speechless... how is she's confused? he just said McCain was wrong from the beginning. I missed the Pres. debate, was it this active? Back to stateside issues with the if you ended up president question. Biden is definetely the better public speaker. Quite a speaking pair with Biden and Obama. Missed Anwar... must have been in bathroom... can't really see Biden in Home Depot. Wonder is Home Depot's a sponsor. Say it ain't so... dog gonnit... wow she's behind in her lingo. Soo cheesy to shoutout to those kids... unbelievable.

Flexable in no child left behind... really? I thought republicans were totally for it.

Oh wow! lame joke huh? kinda like her as a VP. So Palin's going to use the VP position to her advantage. Agree with Cheney being the most dangerous VP... he said that in the interview with Katie Couric too. I don't believe her... about the not having health care etc. That doesn't seem genuine.
Is Biden trying to get votes saying he's better off. Not buying it either. Liked it better when they were talking foreign policy. She had it right the first time "leave" not "lead". Democratic congress can't do much with a republican president.

Final questions... very good answer for Biden. Wow, should Palin have just said that she caved. She doesn't compromise. Wait... I thought that was the last question, why'd she ask another one.

Biden doesn't questioning motives... that's not exactly a good thing. Diaper... Palin's hitting on mothers again.

Closing statements...
I can't believe she's never met Biden before, then again, she met all those world leaders just last week. Is that whole quote Regan... or did she add to it?

He took the Exxon jab again, when she can't respond back. She never really did refute that statement either. Nice finish for Biden.

Well, final thoughts, Biden definetely won this debate. But Palin didn't fall on her face. Granted she didn't answer the questions a few times.

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